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Netball or Hockey ?
07 April 2011 7:24 PM 0 comments

Assalamualaikum makcik pakcik atok nenek ye wak bibik abang akak adek yg comel lote lagi menarik tertarik kaw mmg debom :D Sorry sorry sorry sorry naega naega naega meonjeo hahahaha merepek plak aku =,= SORRY korang , jarang sgt skrg nk update blog yg dah berhabuk neh . Weee busy doh , hockey lah kelas tambahan lah koko lah netball lahh . Pergghhhhh mmg penat giler lah awok :D Wee nk story psal Netball and Hockey !

Okeyy seperti yg korang tau aku dpat join team Hockey sek pegi lawan nnti . Kitorang dah training lame dah , mmg lebam bengkak satusatu nye hadiah kitorang bile lepas training lah XD

   Date : 20th April 2011
   Venue : Stadium Seremban 2 (tah kat mane aku tak tau) =="

Next Netball ! Wooo bkan senang nk join team netball okey ~ Under 15 pon ramai gak yg boleh maen . Then tadi akak upper form ckp aku terpilih utk netball school team . Pergghhh mmg happy giler lah ^^ Tapi kan weh , aku dah pujuk rayu semua lah dkat sys Ida yg adek Iman boleh maen tpi lastlast tak dimasukin nye juge =,= Hishh suke hati korang lah , salah pilih tanggung sendiri (!) Tapi tapi adek Miera kte dpat join , hee congrates Miera ;) And kpd yg dpat join jgak , congrates all !

   Date : 20th April 2011
   Venue : SMK Sungai Rawang

Okey korang nmpak kan date due due pertndingan tuh ? Pergghhh game hari yg same bhaii ! Halaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa T________T Dah berbelah bahagi nk join mane satu :( Nk pileh hockey , netball dah lah susah nk join sbb ramai yg boleh maen . Nk pileh netball , alaaaa sayang nye nk tinggal kn hockey sbb dah bertungkus lumus humus rumus training hockey tau ? Huaaaa cikgu ! Tolong tukar kan date game ? Nk join due due lah ;( Hm ape ape yg terjadi same ade aku di keluar kan dri team Hockey or di keluar kan dri team Netball , tape lah aku redha jeh . Takdir ken *taleh blaa* XD Heee okey that's all byeee awok :)